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球場位於水務處範圍, 非授權車輛不淮駛入, 車輛只可駛到閘口及掉頭離開, 附近牛池灣公園停車場或彩雲商場可以泊車, 再步行10分鐘到達.

Can vehicles approach the stadium for drop-off and parking?

The pitch is located within the area of the Water Supply Department. Unauthorized vehicles are not allowed to enter. Vehicles can only drive to the gate and turn around to leave. Parking is available at the nearby Ngau Chi Wan Park parking lot and/or Choi Wan Shopping Mall, and then walk for 10-15 minutes.


球場位於水務處範圍, 污水排放受到嚴格限制,需要限制污水排放.


Why are there no showering facilities in the pitch?

The pitch is located within the area of the Water Supply Department, and the sewage discharge is strictly restricted.



1) 三號風球或以上/黃色,红色, 黑色暴雨警告將會封場

2) 一般下雨天氣, 天文台預計用場時段有大雨/雷暴, 黃/红/ 黑色暴雨警告后場地可能不適宜使用, 本中心最遲於用場前2小時通知封場事宜.

Under what circumstances is it closed?

The pitch will closed under following conditions:

1) No. 3 typhoon signal or above

2) Yellow/Red/Black rainstorm warning, general rainy weather, the Observatory expects heavy rain/thunderstorms during the usage period, and the venue may not be suitable for use after heavy rainfall. The center will notify the closure of the venue no later than 2 hours before the usage.

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